
Text b 4: «my future profession: a labor protection engineer» (изучающее чтение)

It’s quite natural that before you take the final decision on what you want to do in future, you must consider the possibilities you have and your fitness for this or that job. Some people choose their future professions under the influence of their parents or friends, whose advice they find helpful and valuable. Actually it’s not a pleasant thing to stay all your life in the job, which you don’t like. I made my choice when I was in my last year at school. I decided to become an engineer. It’s not by chance that I entered the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University. I didn’t hesitate about the choice of my future specialty of an engineer. A new specialty ”labor protection engineer” attracted my attention. I immediately realized that it was my “cup of tea”. Now I am a first year student. I study at the engineering and technological department. The department trains labor protection engineers, engineering technologists for the agro-industrial complex.

Labor safety is a very important problem in agricultural production. All organizations and individuals related to labor and production must observe legislation on labor safety, labor sanitation and environment protection. The worker must periodically control and repair the machines, equipment, building structures and storage according to the norms of labor safety and labor sanitation.

The working places, the emplacement of machines and equipment, the places likely to cause danger or noxious effects in the business must be arranged to provide against accidents and equipped with signs and signals on labor safety put up at open places where they can be easily seen and read.

Efficiency in safety is determined on the basis of regular monitoring in the following categories: injuries, equipment compatibility, work environment, personal protective equipment, fire protection.

The students of our department are specializing in all kinds of machinery used in the agro-industrial complex, working places, organization and management structures on production safety support, means of collective and individual protection from harmful and dangerous factors of manufacturing environment.

Alongside with studying of social humanities, scientific and professional subjects the students of our department study the following disciplines: “Man’s physiology”, “Medical and biological basis of vital functions safety”, “Ecology”, “Protection of population and enterprises in emergency situations”, “Production sanitation and occupational hygiene in agriculture” and others.

Specialists are trained to work in labor protection services at enterprises and in organizations of the agro-industrial complex as labor protection engineers.