(A) Exercise 1. Work with a partner. Take it in turns to make true sentences, using words from each box. Use the verb active or passive.
A | B | C |
My future specialty | train | engineer-managers for the agro-industrial complex |
Our department | be | different specialized subjects. |
The students of the department | expect | of great need and importance. |
Specialists | specialize | technical service enterprises, agricultural production management establishments, in consulting centers. |
Graduates | employ | dependable specialists with new ideas. |
Well-prepared engineers | study | to have some important qualities, such as capability persistence and others. |
(В) Exercise 2. Complete the following statements:
1. Before choosing a career you should answer some important questions….
2. As for me, I made up my mind ….
3. I think that today this profession ….
4. I study at….
5. The department trains….
6. My future profession is….
7. The students of our department are specializing in ….
8. The students of our department study the following special subjects….
9. After graduating from the university our students can work….
10. To be a well-prepared engineer I should have….
(B) Exercise 2. Complete the following statements.
1. While choosing a future career we must consider….
2. I study at….
3. The department trains….
4. Many agricultural processes are….
5. When a piece of farm equipment isn’t working correctly, mechanics must….
6. When the problem is found, farm equipment mechanics….
7. The students of our department are specializing in ….
8. The students of our department study the following specialized subjects….
9. Specialists are trained to work at….
10. My purpose of today is….
(B) Exercise 3. Here are some answers. What are the questions?
As my parents are engineers, they have made a great influence on the choice of my future profession.
I study at the farm machinery service department.
Our department trains farm machinery maintenance engineers, engineer-managers for the agro-industrial complex.
The students of our department are specializing in management processes of organization and logistical support planning for enterprises in the agro-industrial complex; service, commercial and purchase processes.
The students of our department study technical service organization, logistics, management, information technologies.
Our graduates are trained to work in the system of logistical support for enterprises in the agro-industrial complex, in wholesale and retail trade of agricultural equipment, in technical service enterprises.
My aim is to be a qualified specialist and to serve the interests of my country.
A well-prepared engineer should have some important qualities: great capability persistence, knowledge of science and, of course, knowledge of foreign languages.
(B) Exercise 4. You meet your friend from the agromechanical department. Ask and answer questions about the following:
your department
your future profession
the spheres of your professional activity
the ways of being employed
(B) Exercise 5. Complete the logical diagram with the necessary information from the text.
Spheres of professional activity
logistical support planning
Fields of specialists training
Ways of being employed
system of logistical support wholesale and retail trade
(B) Exercise 6. Speak about your future profession: an engineer-manager. Use the logical diagram.
(C) Exercise 7. Summarize the information about your future profession. Advertise your specialty to the university entrants. Express your opinion on the advantages of choosing this career.
(C) Exercise 8. Prepare a short presentation on your future profession. Compare your profession with other engineering professions. Present your idea of the role and place of your future career on the labor-market.
- Английский язык модуль моя будущая профессия
- Модуль «моя будущая профессия»
- 1 Комплексная цель модуля
- 3 Уровень (c): знать, характеризовать и анализировать
- 2 Научно-теоретическое содержание модуля
- 2.1 Словарь – минимум по теме «Моя будущая профессия» Active Vocabulary (Text a) nouns
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b1) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b2) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b3) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b4) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives and adverbs
- Active Vocabulary (Text b5) nouns and noun phrases
- Text b 1: «my future profession: a mechanical engineer» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b2: «my future profession: а farm machinery maintenance engineer» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b3: «my future profession: an engineer-manager» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b 4: «my future profession: a labor protection engineer» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b5 : «my future profession: an engineering technologist (изучающее чтение)
- 2.3 Грамматический минимум
- Grammar revision
- Subjunctive mood
- Образование и употребление сослагательного наклонения.
- 2.4 Задания для самоконтроля по грамматике
- 3 Учебно-методические материалы к практическим занятиям
- 3.1Text-based assignments (text a, ознакомительное чтение) language study
- Text study
- 3.2 Text-based assignments (text в 1) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.3 Text-based assignments (text в 2) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.4 Text-based assignments (text в 3) landuage study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.5 Text-based assignments (text в 4) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.6 Text-based assignments (text в 5) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.7 Grammar revision
- Сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood) в условных предложениях II и III типа.
- If he had known this rule, he wouldn’t have made so many mistakes.
- If you didn’t live so far away, we’d see you more often.
- Образование и употребление: сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood) после I wish…,if only…, as if…,as though.
- Model: It’s a pity but I don’t know how to repair this motor.
- If only I knew how to repair this motor.
- Mixed bag subjunctive mood
- 4 Задания по управляемой самостоятельной работе и рекомендации по их выполнению
- Примерное содержание заданий по усрс (репродуктивный уровень а)
- Engineering Courses
- Примерное содержание заданий по усрс (продуктивный уровень в)
- Примерное содержание заданий по усрс (творческий уровень с)
- Engineering in a social context
- 5 Примеры заданий для контроля результатов изучения модуля
- 5.2 Задания для рубежного контроля по модулю «Моя будущая профессия» Методические рекомендации для рубежного контроля по уровням сложности:
- Примерный перечень заданий репродуктивного уровня
- Примерный перечень заданий продуктивного уровня
- Примерный перечень заданий творческого уровня
- 6 Ответы к тестовым заданиям Ответы к итоговому тесту
- 7 Дополнительная литература
- 220023, Г. Минск, пр. Независимости, 99, к. 2.