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Примерный перечень заданий репродуктивного уровня

    1. Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. The whole science of engineering can be divided into: civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering.

  2. The main functions of the engineer are: designing, developing, and testing the products.

  3. If I were the chief engineer of the plant, I would pay more attention to labor safety.

  4. If only the chemical engineers completed the experiments by the 21 of June!

  5. My future profession is connected with agriculture.

(A) Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

  1. Is engineering defined as making practical application of theoretical sciences?

  2. Is almost everything we use in modern life made by engineers?

  3. Do engineers use theory and produce practical answers?

  4. Is a new idea that is expensive and dangerous always a good idea?

  5. Engineers usually solve problems in a methodical way, don’t they?

  6. Have you decided what sort of engineer you want to be?

  7. Is your future career connected with agriculture?

  8. Do you have to study different specialized technical subjects at the university?

  9. Are you planning to work in the field of agriculture after graduating from the university?

  10. Is the engineering profession in great demand in modern life?

  1. Exercise 3. Summarize the information from text B, using the following table.

факторы, влияющие на выбор профессии

  • personal taste

  • kind of mind

  • requirements of the society

  • need in one profession or another

сущность профессии инженера по ремонту с/х техники

  • quality of maintenance and repair

  • a system of scheduled preventive maintenance

  • maintenance rounds

  • disassembly

  • washing

  • troubleshooting

  • restoration of parts

  • adjustment

  • run in

  • painting

объекты профессиональной деятельности

  • technologies and maintenance facilities

  • diagnostics and farm machinery repair

  • equipment of technical service enterprises

  • resource-saving technologies

изучаемые предметы

  • “Tractors and vehicles”

  • “Machinery and equipment in plant growing”

  • “Diagnostics and technical service of machinery”

  • “Technical service economics”

сферы профессиональной деятельности

  • farm machinery maintenance enterprises

  • workshops

  • plants

  • processing plants

  • technical centers

  • scientific research organizations

  • educational establishments