3.1Text-based assignments (text a, ознакомительное чтение) language study
(A) Exercise 1. Read the international words and guess their meaning. If necessary consult the dictionary.
Profession, engineer, civilization, technician, physics, mathematics, machine, design, theory, idea, problem, process, person, system.
Exercise 2. Analyze the following pairs of words to point out the words that convey more extensive concepts and those expressing more narrow, concrete notions.
engineering | tool-making |
car | tractor |
skill | occupation |
machinery | cultivator |
engine | machine |
science | physics |
industry | manufacture |
theory | problem |
fertilizer | manure |
weeds | plants |
maintenance | painting |
(B) Exercise 3. Supplement the following table with appropriate nouns from the text A.
verbs | nouns |
1.to erect | buildings |
2. to find |
3. to define |
4. to design |
5. to test |
6. to evaluate |
7. to communicate |
8. to produce |
9.to solve |
(B) Exercise 2. Find the word with a general meaning.
craftsman | occupation | technician |
tool-making | building | engineering |
mathematics | science | theory |
solve | test | design |
equipment | device | pump |
gas | petrol | fuel |
crop | rye | barley |
tillage | cultivation | leveling |
(B) Exercise 5. Read the text and find the words that denote:
names of engineering professions;
main areas of engineering;
the tasks the engineer undertakes while solving a problem.
(C) Exercise 9. Paraphrase:
fair or moderate, not expensive price;
to find metals;
something shared by two or more things or people;
to pass the solution to other people;
to develop gradually or naturally (e.g. civilization);
(C) Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words given before:
solution, solve, solvable, solver
It may take a lot of time to find a …to a complex problem in engineering.
A computer can … a problem faster than any human being.
A computer has often been referred to as a problem ….
b) communication, communicate, communicable, communicative, communicably
A computer must be able to … with the user.
Fiber optics a new development in the field of ….
Some people working in computer installations aren’t very … because they are shy.
mechanic, mechanism, mechanize, mechanical, mechanically, mechanistic, mechanics, mechanization, mechanized
Today’s computers are less … than they used to be.
The … devices in a computer system operate more slowly than the electromagnetic devices.
The … of the brain is very complicated but unlike a computer it isn’t … .
reliable, reliability, rely on, reliance, reliant
He is a qualified specialist and can be … .
The … of these materials attract the customers’ attention.
The design solution must be safe and … .
- Английский язык модуль моя будущая профессия
- Модуль «моя будущая профессия»
- 1 Комплексная цель модуля
- 3 Уровень (c): знать, характеризовать и анализировать
- 2 Научно-теоретическое содержание модуля
- 2.1 Словарь – минимум по теме «Моя будущая профессия» Active Vocabulary (Text a) nouns
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b1) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b2) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b3) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b4) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives and adverbs
- Active Vocabulary (Text b5) nouns and noun phrases
- Text b 1: «my future profession: a mechanical engineer» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b2: «my future profession: а farm machinery maintenance engineer» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b3: «my future profession: an engineer-manager» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b 4: «my future profession: a labor protection engineer» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b5 : «my future profession: an engineering technologist (изучающее чтение)
- 2.3 Грамматический минимум
- Grammar revision
- Subjunctive mood
- Образование и употребление сослагательного наклонения.
- 2.4 Задания для самоконтроля по грамматике
- 3 Учебно-методические материалы к практическим занятиям
- 3.1Text-based assignments (text a, ознакомительное чтение) language study
- Text study
- 3.2 Text-based assignments (text в 1) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.3 Text-based assignments (text в 2) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.4 Text-based assignments (text в 3) landuage study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.5 Text-based assignments (text в 4) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.6 Text-based assignments (text в 5) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.7 Grammar revision
- Сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood) в условных предложениях II и III типа.
- If he had known this rule, he wouldn’t have made so many mistakes.
- If you didn’t live so far away, we’d see you more often.
- Образование и употребление: сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood) после I wish…,if only…, as if…,as though.
- Model: It’s a pity but I don’t know how to repair this motor.
- If only I knew how to repair this motor.
- Mixed bag subjunctive mood
- 4 Задания по управляемой самостоятельной работе и рекомендации по их выполнению
- Примерное содержание заданий по усрс (репродуктивный уровень а)
- Engineering Courses
- Примерное содержание заданий по усрс (продуктивный уровень в)
- Примерное содержание заданий по усрс (творческий уровень с)
- Engineering in a social context
- 5 Примеры заданий для контроля результатов изучения модуля
- 5.2 Задания для рубежного контроля по модулю «Моя будущая профессия» Методические рекомендации для рубежного контроля по уровням сложности:
- Примерный перечень заданий репродуктивного уровня
- Примерный перечень заданий продуктивного уровня
- Примерный перечень заданий творческого уровня
- 6 Ответы к тестовым заданиям Ответы к итоговому тесту
- 7 Дополнительная литература
- 220023, Г. Минск, пр. Независимости, 99, к. 2.