Mixed bag subjunctive mood
Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian and state the type of Subjunctive Mood.
If ecosystems didn’t change all the time, plants and animals would not be able to adapt to changes in the physical environment.
If only our tractors were more powerful!
I wish it were the end of the term.
I wish you had listened to me and had chosen the profession of a mechanical engineer.
His English sounded as if he had lived all his life at Oxford, although he was clearly a Frenchman.
(A) Exercise 2. Choose the proper form of Subjunctive II in brackets.
1. I wish I (could do, could have done) more for her, but I don’t know what.
2. If you (listened, had listened) to the weather forecast you would have taken your umbrella.
3. If I had had an opportunity, I (would have repaired, would repair) the motor in time.
4. She didn’t speak as she worked - as though there (were, had been) nothing to be said.
5. I felt as if he (were, had been) my nearest and closest friend in my life.
(B) Exercise 3. Use the appropriate form of Subjunctive Mood instead of the infinitive in brackets.
1. Although we never met, it seems as if you (to be) our dearest friend.
2. If we (to be ) there in the afternoon, we might have heard it.
3. If only you (to arrive) five minutes earlier!
4. I wish I (to have) an opportunity to get the profession of a driver.
5. I would be proud of him if he (to perform) the repair of farm machinery before seeding.
(B) Exercise 4. Supply the necessary forms of the verbs in brackets in the following clauses.
1. If he … (to use) new methods, we … (to save) a lot of time.
2. If the mechanic … (to be) here, he … (to repair) the equipment.
3. If the engineer…(to be informed) of the results before, he …(to allow) you to repeat the test.
4. If it … (to be) necessary to increase the speed of this particular engine, it … (can be achieved) by using a special device.
5. If the road … (to be) better, we … (to be) here in due time.
(B) Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences using the words in brackets.
1. The accident wouldn’t have happened, if … (to be more careful).
2. She knows these parts well as though … (to be an experienced engineer).
3. The employers of this factory are looking for engineers. I wish … (can apply for this job).
I’ve got a certificate in Mechanical Engineering, but I’ve never worked as a mechanical engineer. If only … (to have a bit of practice).
If I could have used my first Diploma, I … (not to enter a technical university).
(C) Exercise 6. Make up sentences using the following elements.
If only he were; if only he didn’t; if only I could.
He wished he had been; I wish I could; I wish you were.
It seemed as if; it looked as if; he stopped as if.
If you were there; if it were necessary; if you had (not) been.
(C) Exercise 7. Translate into English.
1. Жаль, что вы не окончили этот курс в этом году.
2. Если бы он не был таким опытным инженером, его бы не взяли на эту работу.
3. Если бы не помощь инженера-механика, этот трактор не смог бы выйти на поле.
4. Они смотрели на новый двигатель, словно ничего не понимая.
5. Если бы нам разрешили участвовать в этом эксперименте.
- Английский язык модуль моя будущая профессия
- Модуль «моя будущая профессия»
- 1 Комплексная цель модуля
- 3 Уровень (c): знать, характеризовать и анализировать
- 2 Научно-теоретическое содержание модуля
- 2.1 Словарь – минимум по теме «Моя будущая профессия» Active Vocabulary (Text a) nouns
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b1) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b2) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b3) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives
- Active Vocabulary (Text b4) nouns and noun phrases
- Adjectives and adverbs
- Active Vocabulary (Text b5) nouns and noun phrases
- Text b 1: «my future profession: a mechanical engineer» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b2: «my future profession: а farm machinery maintenance engineer» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b3: «my future profession: an engineer-manager» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b 4: «my future profession: a labor protection engineer» (изучающее чтение)
- Text b5 : «my future profession: an engineering technologist (изучающее чтение)
- 2.3 Грамматический минимум
- Grammar revision
- Subjunctive mood
- Образование и употребление сослагательного наклонения.
- 2.4 Задания для самоконтроля по грамматике
- 3 Учебно-методические материалы к практическим занятиям
- 3.1Text-based assignments (text a, ознакомительное чтение) language study
- Text study
- 3.2 Text-based assignments (text в 1) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.3 Text-based assignments (text в 2) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.4 Text-based assignments (text в 3) landuage study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.5 Text-based assignments (text в 4) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.6 Text-based assignments (text в 5) language study
- Text study
- Speaking
- 3.7 Grammar revision
- Сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood) в условных предложениях II и III типа.
- If he had known this rule, he wouldn’t have made so many mistakes.
- If you didn’t live so far away, we’d see you more often.
- Образование и употребление: сослагательное наклонение (Subjunctive Mood) после I wish…,if only…, as if…,as though.
- Model: It’s a pity but I don’t know how to repair this motor.
- If only I knew how to repair this motor.
- Mixed bag subjunctive mood
- 4 Задания по управляемой самостоятельной работе и рекомендации по их выполнению
- Примерное содержание заданий по усрс (репродуктивный уровень а)
- Engineering Courses
- Примерное содержание заданий по усрс (продуктивный уровень в)
- Примерное содержание заданий по усрс (творческий уровень с)
- Engineering in a social context
- 5 Примеры заданий для контроля результатов изучения модуля
- 5.2 Задания для рубежного контроля по модулю «Моя будущая профессия» Методические рекомендации для рубежного контроля по уровням сложности:
- Примерный перечень заданий репродуктивного уровня
- Примерный перечень заданий продуктивного уровня
- Примерный перечень заданий творческого уровня
- 6 Ответы к тестовым заданиям Ответы к итоговому тесту
- 7 Дополнительная литература
- 220023, Г. Минск, пр. Независимости, 99, к. 2.