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1. Bypass — обходить, игнорировать 2. Control point — контрольная точка 3. Emergency shut down system - система аварийного отключения 4. Heater — нагреватель, обогреватель 5. Pressure - sensing device — сенсор давления б. Safety back ир — поддержание безопасности 7. Tamper — трогать, портить


Emergency Shut Down (ESD) systems are control systems used to safely shut down and isolate equipment at production facilities in the event of abnormal condition occurs which could damage the equipment or pose а hazard to operations personnel or the public. All field operations personnel should have а clear understanding ойле function and operation оЙЬе ESD systems for the facilities they operate. They must know what control point activates the ESD and take action to maintain conditions within the control limits. They must know how to reset the ESD devices in the event of а shut down and the procedures necessary to restart the equipment and re-arm the ESD system.

ESD systems can be as simple as а pressure-sensing device which trips а valve on the flowline from а well closed in the event of а high or low pressure in а pipeline or separator. It may also be as complicated as one which monitors various points in а production facility such as vessel pressures, levels, temperatures and flows, and activates isolation valves, stops pumps or compressors, heaters and so on, if any of the many points exceed the design conditions. ESD systems can be designed only to shut down and isolate equipment, or activate valves that isolate equipment and depressure it to Лаге. No matter what the ESD system is designed to do, under по circumstances should any of the control points ойле system be bypassed or tampered with.

If there are problems that must be corrected with the system, а review of this process should be made to ensure the suggested changes will not create hazards. Only then should the necessary changes be implemented. Тоо often, personnel bypass parts ойле ESD system in an effort to overcome а perceived minor problem and forget about the change. Then an occasion arises where the ESD system should function but cannot and а catastrophic failure occurs resulting in loss of production, damage to equipment, injury and loss of life.

ESD systems are designed to provide а final safety back up in case something goes wrong and should not be made inoperative for any reason.